Tracked vertical shaft impactors


Logo Baioni divisione equipment
  • Robustness
  • Reliability
  • Tertiary crushing

The BaiTrack BV compact self-propelled tracked vertical shaft impact crusher is totally electrically driven, equipped with a standard vertical axis mill from the BV Baioni range Vertical Shaft Impactor (VSI) series, used in many secondary, tertiary and quaternary crushing stages.

The BaiTrack MV unit takes full advantage of the BV mill for a maximum output of 250 tons/hour. During design, particular attention was paid to facilitating operation and maintenance procedures and to simplifying the process of preparation for transport.

They consist of a vertical centrifugal rotor for the processing of any type of rock to produce high quality aggregates of different sizes, premium manufactured sand for concrete in closed circuit. They allow high yields while maintaining a high degree of cubicity and granulometry with low maintenance costs over time.

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