Road sweepings waste: possible scenarios for recovery

17 November 2022

Road sweepings waste

Possible scenarios for recovery

What we “find on the street” is a resource of a high economic value, as well as natural, have we ever wondered how that’s possible? Waste that is thrown down the roads or is naturally transported by atmospheric agents, can be adequately recovered by giving them a high economic value.

Not all local authorities deal with the issue of recovering waste from street sweepings. Generally they are concerned with keeping the roadas properly clean, they do not think that a good practice for the implementation of the circular economy would be the treatment, therefore the recovery of the same. Why, is there a technology that makes this possible?

Yes. There is a successful and well-tested technology today that provides for the recovery of all waste, through appropriate washing operations, how?

The current situation
Waste coming from road sweepings is unique in the sector as it does not find a location that makes everyone agree, being mixed by nature; they are considered as municipal solid waste (MSW) of various kind, classified by their origin among municipal waste, theoretically they are preferable to refer to the category of unsorted waste and appear with the Italian code CER 200303 under cat. of municipal waste.
The problem today is therefore their disposal: disposal to landfills is no longer desirable due to the high treatment costs, in addition to the lack of adequate and homogeneous deposits to the cat. refusal of reference and the lack of adequate platforms for treatment and recovery.

Not all local authorities have an adequate platform for the storage and treatment of such waste, the concept of territorial proximity is to be preferred, therefore it is necessary and almost mandatory to collect and sort accurately. Preliminary sorting and storage before their transport to a processing plant, considering the extremely variable nature of the waste depending on the period of the year.

In theory, street sweeping residues would pass from undifferentiated waste to differentiated waste, first of all we are talking about sorting and separate collection! Therefore, separate collection becomes necessary for the preparation operations for reuse. A lot of steps are required!

Nature of street sweeping waste
Road sweepings waste from urban areas can be residues from industrial areas, canals and gully agglomerates, various waste. Generally speaking, they can be identified as follows:
road waste: (dust, soil, pebbles, various aggregates)
recurring waste: (paper, plastic, glass, metals, wood)
random waste: (oily residues, animal excrement, traffic waste)

Waste from road sweepings mainly consists of inert fraction. On average, 70% of this composition are products that can be recovered such as organic material, metals, and inert materials for use in construction industry such as sand, gravel, crushed stone.

How to do
Baioni has the necessary technology to make recovery feasible with a high return on investment, with a series of methods to be favored for waste management with the lowest possible environmental impact in the order of the waste hierarchy established by the waste framework directive (Directive 2008 / 98 / EC). A range of modular solutions for the treatment of street waste, from mobile plants with reduced dimensions to complete turnkey structures. Baioni street sweeper waste recycling plants are perfectly designed to increase recycling rates and ensure 100% recovery of all street sweeper waste. Proven equipment that uses separation, washing and scrubbing techniques to treat street sweeping and remove contamination.

The output materials are various: sands and gravels considered as secondary raw materials usable for civil or industrial applications, ferrous metals destined for recovery, recyclable organic waste for composting, mixed coarse waste to be disposed, dehydrated sludge to be sent to disposal and clarified water used in closed circuit.

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