Ideal crushing? Discover the new Baitrack
Baioni Baitrack BP Advanced, revolutionary and powerful mobile crusher for high performance
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Towards ecological transition and sustainable soil development
Systems for remediation of soil and land, steel mill slags, road sweeping waste.
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Compact, powerful and versatile tracked plants
Hybrid technology for over 10 years. For Baioni, the electric revolution has been achieved!
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Sustainable models for the management and treatment of marine sediments
Post dredging sediment technologies and processes for effective recovery.
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Quality, reliability, durability
Stationary, portable and mobile solutions for aggregate processing.
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Mineral processing

Solutions developed ad hoc for the treatment and optimal management of the mineral with the aim of separating the precious minerals from the waste material.

Aggregates sand & gravel

Customized solutions to meet the different requirements of particle size reduction in the various stages of crushing.

C&D waste & recycling

Solutions and technologies suitable for the recovery of C&D construction and demolition aggregates reused for the production of recycled aggregates through processes of transformation of rubble into secondary raw materials.

Tunneling & infrastructure

Solutions for underground excavation and large tunneling works. Tunnel Mud treatment and water & sludge recovery.

Water & sludge management

Solutions for water clarification and sludge treatment. Personalized proposals to best clean up water and mud from quarries and mines.

Environment & soil treatment

Solutions for the remediation and regeneration of: soils and sediments contaminated by hydrocarbons, pesticides and other substances.


Soluzioni sviluppate ad hoc per il trattamento e la gestione ottimale del minerale finalizzato a separare i minerali preziosi dal materiale da recuperare.

Inerti sabbia e ghiaia

Soluzioni personalizzate per soddisfare le diverse esigenze di riduzione granulometrica nei vari stadi di frantumazione.

C&D e riciclaggio

Soluzioni e tecnolgie adatte al recupero di inerti da costruzione e demolizione C&D per la produzione di aggregati riciclati attraverso processi di trasformazione delle macerie in materie prime secondarie.

Tunneling e infrastrutture

Soluzioni per lo scavo del sottosuolo e delle grandi opere tunneling. Trattamento dello smarino di gallerie e recupero delle acque e fanghi.

Trattamento acque e fanghi

Soluzioni per la chiarificazione delle acque e il trattamento dei fanghi. Proposte personalizzate per ripulire al meglio le acque torbide e i fanghi da cava e miniera.

Ambiente e bonifica terreni

Soluzioni per la bonifica di terreni e suoli inquinati, aree dismesse, siti contaminati, aree portuali da idrocarburi, pesticidi e altre sostanze.

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Our philosophy

We are committed to designing the best plant solutions for crushing, recycling and wastewater treatment.

Baioni is a world partner in the development, design and production of machinery
and plants for aggregates processing across a wide range of materials within the natural processing and waste recycling sectors, and in the environmental industry.
The company operates under three divisions: Crushing division to deal with large
sized processing plants, Equipment division to provide individual machines and
Environment division to offer soil remediation technologies.


Glocal company:
“Think global, act local”

Global company for manufacture, sales, distribution to offer the best solutions to target countries.

Complete range

Baioni is the sole reference for large sized and/or small projects, for both wet and dry applications!


Accurate analysis of the project and needs to propose the best plant engineering solution in terms of yield and quality of the final products.

Market support

Support and training by a qualified and experienced team for revisions, upgrades, repairs, maintenance.

What is your application field?

Solutions for a cleaner Environment

We design and manufacture innovative sustainable solutions in all aspects of remediation and treatment of soil contamination, offering soil washing technology, stabilization/solidification, wastewater treatment plants, sludge dehydration systems, for a wide range of materials including soils, railway ballast, dredgings, treatment plant residues, road sweeping waste with the aim at achieving high percentage of reuse thereby avoiding landfill disposal costs.

Environmental treatments Baioni

Mobile crushing & screening plants

We design and manufacture modular system, portable solutions on tracks to be used in the primary, secondary, tertiary crushing of aggregates, in their screening and storage stages, whether they are materials from quarries, mines or recycling of construction waste and demolition. We are committed to manufacturing processing plants for reducing and refining aggregate material. We like to think big!

Equipment for materials processing

Baioni Equipment division’s focus on bringing value to customers through high-performing products and solutions able to increase productivity and safety as well as to provide services and flexible machine maintenance programs that extend uptime and cut costs.
We are committed to manufacturing processing plants for reducing and refining aggregate material. We like adding value to every project!

Water management sistem Baioni

Wastewater management

We design and manufacture complete wastewater treatment plants including digester tank cleaning, sludge dewatering, water recycling and filtration systems to deliver sustainable materials processing solutions. This means creating value with new resources from waste, new revenue streams and new markets for our clients.


Flexibility, dynamism, continuos investments on quality and innovative technologies joined with an over 50 years’ experience put the Baioni brand among the most qualified companies in the world, with installations in more than 60 countries.

Browse our global projects 


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